Serve & Reach

BBQ Pork

As Christians, our faith calls us to compassion – to care for the sick, feed the hungry, visit the lonely and love one another – we are the hands and feet of Christ in this hurting world. It is in this context that we strive to follow the greatest commandment to ‘Love God with all your mind, with all your heart and love your neighbors as yourself.’ (Matthew 22:37-40)

In what ways are you willing to love and serve others? We’ve got opportunities for all.

Election Night Chili Cookoff

When: November 5, 4pm – 7pm Where: Our Saviors Lutheran Church – Neenah

The cookoff is hosted by Our Saviors, the competitors are Our Savior’s, St Mark’s, Gloria Dei and St Paul’s Lutheran Churches.

Sample 4 different chili recipes. Vote for your favorite, the winning chili will be chosen by YOU! Enjoy a chili supper with all the fixings! The is a Free will offering

Fox Valley Community Table

Our team prepares a special casserole recipe about six times a year in their homes. Once prepared the casseroles are brought to church where our Community Table team coordinator picks up and delivers the meal to about 60 people.

Food Pantry

Our food pantry is stocked by members through non-perishable food and/or monetary donations. It is available for use by both church and community members who need assistance. Since it is a small pantry with limited items, we are limited in what we can give. Our goal is to help connect people with community resources who are better able to assist them long-term.

Pillars Adult Shelter

Every other month, members of our congregation donate food items, prepare and/or serve a dinner meal at Pillars Adult Shelter. This has been a wonderful outreach program and partnership for us.

“God’s Work. Our Hands.” Day

God's Work, Our Hands

Are you ready to get your SERVE on? Join us as we go out to give a helping hand throughout our community. This day happens the second Sunday in September and is definitely a highlight for many. From homeless organizations, local schools, animal shelters or the home of someone disabled or elderly, our mission is to do God’s work with our hands!

Guatemala Partnership

In 2008 a couple from our congregation went on vacation to Guatemala and were so moved by the experience, they started our Guatemala mission partnership. We’ve supported and partnered with From Houses to Homes to build homes, provide stoves, beds, education and medical care for the poorest of the poor in Guatemala. We send a mission team every other year to build two houses, and we support their missions with yearly contributions.

Mission Trips

Guatemala Mission Trip Group

We’ve been all over the map! Since 1997, Our Savior’s members have gone out into the world to make a difference in the lives of others. Our first mission trip was in response to major flooding in the Red River Valley area in North Dakota. We’ve been organizing trips every year since then to different locations. Places we’ve gone include Minnesota, North Carolina, Texas, Missouri, Nebraska, Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia, New York, Colorado, Maryland, Ohio, Romania, Slovakia, and several trips to Guatemala.

Who can participate in our trips?

It all depends on the location and mission work. We’ve lead all youth trips (ages 11-18), all adult trips (ages 18 & up) and mixed trips with entire families participating. Trips are open to church members first and then non-members if there are available spots.

How much does a trip cost?

Again that all depends on the location and type of work that we are doing. Typically the out-of-pocket expense is $150 – $550. Our goal is to allow everyone to experience serving others regardless of their financial ability. To help offset costs, we typically hold fundraisers events. We also offer scholarships for those who need financial assistance.

To view and print the forms required to attend our mission trips, please click on the forms below:

Quilting and Mission Auxiliary

People working on a quilt

We love our quilters! Every year they make several dozen quilts for Lutheran World Relief and other organizations around the community. The group also makes school bags, bibs, pillows, walker & wheelchair bags, lap robes and baby sweaters for nursing homes, hospitals and others in our community. You don’t need to have any sewing skills to join this lively group as there’s always cutting, sorting and tying to do. Fabric donations are always appreciated and can be dropped off at the church during office hours.

Salvation Army

Each year Our Savior’s members ring bells for the Red Kettle Campaign on Saturday in late November or early December. Several shifts are available for families, individuals, or groups to participate.

Students in India Program

As part of a program run through Lutheran Partners in Global Ministry, Our Savior’s members sponsor students in India. For only a $300 per year sponsorship, a student’s tuition, school supplies, and room & board are covered. It’s a wonderful program that helps many children in impoverished parts of India who wouldn’t normally receive an education or proper care.

If you are interested in any of our ‘Reach & Serve’ opportunities or have any questions, please contact the church office at 725-3956.

Organizations We Partner With and Support:

Click on an organization to learn more.

Neenah Animal Shelter logo
Crossways logo

Lutheran Disaster Response logo

Lutheran World Relief logo

LPGM logo