Grace, mercy and love are at the heart of our life together.
As a church family, we enjoy getting to know each other better and care deeply for one another. If you are new or have been here for a while, we invite you to get connected. There are so many opportunities to meet people with similar interests, passions and place in life. Groups can provide support and opportunities to grow. So what do you say? Jump in and let’s do life together!
Food Pantry
Our food pantry is stocked by members through non-perishable food and/or monetary donations. It is available for use by both church and community members who need assistance. Since it is a small pantry with limited items, we are limited in what we can give. Our goal is to help connect people with community resources who are better able to assist them long-term.
Growing in Faith Together
We have opportunities for all ages to grow in faith through education, a book club, men’s group, etc. Click here for more info.
Homebound Visits and Communication
Are you passionate about people? These members fulfill an important need for our church by taking Communion and the Word of God weekly or monthly to those members who are recovering from illness, who are homebound due to disability, or to permanent residents in area nursing homes. Special training is required.
Helping Open People’s Eyes to Mental Health and Brain Illnesses
Did you know 1 in 4 persons sitting in our pews has a family member struggling with mental health issues? The H.O.P.E. team is made up of individuals, just like you, who have experienced mental health concerns or brain illness … family members who have a loved one who needed care … people who serve in the medical or social work field … and members of this congregation who see an opportunity to help those in need. We have started a conversation through educational sessions, monthly articles in the VOICE and a resource kiosk. Let’s break the stigma and support one another because together there is hope!
Praising God Together
Worshiping regularly is a way to ‘recharge your faith battery’. We encourage everyone to get involved to enhance our worship time together. Click here to see how God can use your talents.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Do you love to knit? Use your talent to create a lasting gift for baptisms, weddings, illness, and/or grief. Prayer shawls are a tangible way for people to wrap themselves in God’s love.
Prayer Team
Become a prayer warrior! We invite you to join the OSLC prayer team via your smartphone. You’ll receive one to two prayer texts a week to pray along with over one hundred & forty other members. Simply text @pray-oslc to the number 81010 to sign up.
Reaching Out Together
Do you find joy in serving others? Our Savior’s is known for our mission work. Call the church for ways to use your hands to do God’s work.
Table Blessing Meal Program
During life’s ups and downs, it’s nice to know that we can count on our church family. For a family or person who is grieving the loss of a loved one or a life-changing event… recovering from an illness or surgery… celebrating the birth of a child (just to name a few); we all can appreciate the gift of a meal. It’s one small act of kindness that shows we care for one another.