Confirmation & Youth

Confirmation is nothing like it used to be!  At OSLC we use an interactive curriculum that includes video clips, games, and small group experiences to look at traditional aspects of faith, while providing our students with opportunities to apply their faith to everyday life. Field trips, service projects and youth nights are also part of the program. Our youth and their parents have developed a high commitment to the confirmation program and most weeks we have students’ friends visiting because it’s fun!

Our Savior’s Lutheran Church also has an active youth program! In a world where youth are bombarded with mixed messages, we feel that it’s important for teens to have a safe place where they can be themselves, connect with their peers, and hear the message of Jesus Christ. Here are some of the opportunities we offer…

Feeding America

Our Savior's Church Youth Outing

Monthly Youth Events

In addition to our weekly lessons, once a month we also have either a mystery speaker, a mystery activity – or sometimes both!

Our Savior's Church Youth Group

Youth Lock-In/Adventure Night

What would a youth program be without a lock-in? We have an annual Adventure Night during the month of October. This, no doubt, is the highlight of our youth events. Our youth will get a chance to experience a night with camp staff and high schoolers leading activities, AND hours of “no-sleep fun” in the church.

National Youth Gathering

Youth Gatherings

Our youth are encouraged to attend both our Synod Youth Gatherings and the ELCA National Youth Gathering.  Our congregation loves to support our young people in their faith journeys.

Youth Missions

Our first YOUTH ONLY Mission Trip was in July 2008. We spent five days serving the St. Louis, MO community. Since then our mission program has grown.  We offer mission trips each summer and have traveled across the U.S. – New York, Colorado, Maryland, Texas, Minnesota, North Dakota, Ohio and Wisconsin.  We also travel internationally to Guatemala every two years to build homes for very deserving families with the organization, From Houses to Homes. Mission trips are an amazing opportunity for young people to see that they can make a difference in our world!

Sponsoring Students in India 

Each school year our Confirmation students donate money through their weekly offering to sponsor two students in India through Lutheran Partners in Global Ministry

Serving in Our Community

The youth at Our Savior’s are involved in helping our local community. Each year we find several opportunities to reach out and help where we can. We consider “serving others” a big part of who we are.

Youth Worship Weekends

OSLC youth lead worship services a couple of times a year. The youth take part by being readers, greeters, ushers; and help with special music, skits, and the children’s sermon.  We are proud to participate in the “Souper Bowl of Caring” each year to raise money to tackle hunger.

Our Savior's Youth Fundraiser

Youth Fundraisers

Our youth program is funded in the church budget and by youth-led fundraising. We typically have one or two fundraisers a year.
