Family Ministry Video, December 16

We’ve been diligent about sending out our weekly Informer and decided to include a section for Children’s Ministry to jump on this consistency train.  Every 2nd & 4th Sunday of the month we will share a video, on the non-video weeks there will be a simple activity provided. Check out the first video here:

Advent Mid-Week Worship

Mid-week worship will start on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 PM during Advent. Please plan to join us for Holden Evening Prayer on December 1st, 8th, 15th & 22nd.  Izzy Ricketts will be our cantor for the first three weeks and Kristin Curtis for the 22nd.  Each service will last about 30 minutes.  It is a beautiful, meditative service with music.

Thanksgiving Eve Worship

Thanksgiving Eve Worship is scheduled for 6:30 PM Wednesday, November 24th.  We will be welcoming St Mark’s and Gloria Dei congregations to Our Savior’s.  We will pray for healing for the Nations of the World.  Izzy Ricketts will be the cantor.  Bring a nonperishable food item or financial gift for the offering to St. Joseph’s Food Pantry. 

Annual Congregational Meeting THIS Sunday

Our Annual Congregational Meeting will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, November 7, 2021.  You may attend in person in the Sanctuary or via Zoom.  Some of the important business we will conduct is voting for Council members and delegates, reviewing and voting on our 2022 budget as well as receiving an update on the new heating system and various team reports.  Please plan to attend this meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 861 8013 7485

Interactive Family Worship Begins

Our 9:00AM Sunday Service will be outdoors in the West parking lot.  This will be our first Interactive Family Worship led by Vicar Kellie and Pastor Jon. This will be like Bible Camp worship.  It will be fun and accessible for all ages, not just for families.  Bring a chair and enjoy the fall weather.  If it rains we are prepared to come inside, but hope to remain outside.  Outdoors, masks are optional as long as you maintain physical distance from those outside your bubble.  Our normal Saturday Service is at 5:00 PM will be livestreaming this week. It can also be seen on Sunday on demand.

God’s Work Our Hands Project right after church on Sunday – Immediately following worship we will have a service project to pack Lutheran World Relief School kits in the gym (wear a mask indoors).  Do you need volunteer hours?  Do you want to serve. With many hands it won’t take long.  We are simplifying things this year with one project for God’s Work Our Hands.  We also encourage you to go out and spread some kindness in you homes or neighborhoods that day. 

September Calendar Events

Join us this month any or all of these upcoming events. Please call Vicar Kellie with any questions.

  • August 31 @ 6:30pm-8pm – Drive-Thru Blessing of the Backpacks
  • September 1 @ 7am-8:15am – Drive-Thru Blessing of the Backpacks
  • September 8 @ 5:30pm – Confirmation Info Meeting
  • September 12 @ 9am – Interactive Family Worship, Rally Day
  • September 15 @ 5:30pm – Bell Choir Rehearsals, Confirmation Class
  • September 15 @ 6:30pm – Youth Community Night
  • September 19 @ 9:45am – Family Sunday School
  • September 19 @ 4pm-7pm – BBQ Dinner Fundraiser
  • September 22 @ 5:30pm – Bell Choir Rehearsals, Confirmation Class
  • September 22 @ 6:30pm – Youth Community Night
  • September 26 @ 9:45am – Family Sunday School

Notice of Congregational Meeting

A Special Congregational Meeting will be held at 10:30 a.m. via Zoom on Sunday, August 29, 2021, for the sole purpose of hearing about and voting on the Building and Grounds Team’s proposal for replacement/repair of the church’s heating system.  Please plan to attend this very important meeting.  A Zoom link will be sent out prior to the meeting.  Viewing accommodations at church will be made for those who are unable to participate from home.

Masks Required for Worship

This has been a hard journey for all of us to endure as we now face the spread of the Delta Variant of Covid.  All along, we have have tried to “follow the science.”

Therefore, our Rise Again Team has been communicating after a review by Dr. Klamm of Winnebago County’s COVID risk level being listed as “Substantial”. In order to keep people safe, we advise that all who gather for worship at Our Saviors wear masks and practice physical distancing starting now until the numbers fall to safer levels. Leaders who are singing or speaking behind plexiglass can remove their masks during their time to share. 

Thank you for your grace and patience as we seek to do what is best for the most vulnerable among us.