Category: What’s Happening Now?
Children, Youth & Family Updates
First Communion Prep
We will have a first communion preparation class for all interested families on Saturday April 22 at 9am until 1pm. Traditionally, Our Savior’s prepared 2nd grade children for this occasion. The church council recently agreed to a family choice model for when children can commune. The ELCA teaches that all the baptized are welcome at the Lord’s Table. In the class, we will use a book called “A Place For You” and learn the story of the Passover, the Last Supper and what communion means to us. A parent or caring adult is required to come to the class with their child. We will make something special and eat together. Please contact Patty Koplitz if you will be attending. Participants will celebrate First Communion on Sunday, April 23rd during 9am worship.
“At OSLC we welcome children to the communion table as soon as they and their parents are ready in mutual conversation with the Pastor or Director of Children, Youth and Family Ministry. All ages, preschool and up, are welcome to attend the class.”
OSLC Family/Group Camping @ High Cliff August 4-6 – You are invited to join us for a church-wide camping trip! We are camping from August 4th through the 6th. We have 2 group sites reserved at High Cliff State Park. There is space for a total of 40 people (or you can reserve your own site). You can bring your tent or camper. Our reserved sites are primitive sites. But what fun! We will discuss plans and activities later! Bring your family or come by yourself. Please, RSVP to Patty Koplitz –
Sponsor a Youth in Mission from OSLC!
I have an opportunity for you! I would love to have congregation members sponsor youth who are going. We have a budget set at this time, and fundraising is always necessary. Feel free to give to the YOUTH Mission trip Fund to help offset our cost. If you would like to sponsor a specific youth, I will have names for you.
Annabelle said, “I want to go on the summer service trip because I want to get closer to God.”
Summer Service Trip
We are going to Duluth MN! June 11 through 16th with an organization called Youth Works. I am still accepting kids, middle school and high school and I need a male chaperone to join us. This male would need to enjoy being around kids, hard work, need little sleep, be flexible and willing to drive! He would also need to be able to support and care for me! Having a sense of humor helps!
We are having a meeting with the kids to talk about expectations, what a typical day looks like and answer any questions. We will meet March 19th 1 pm here at church, in the gathering hall. Feel free to contact me with any questions!
High School Youth Advocacy Retreat
- Location: Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites Madison West, 1109 Fourier Dr., Madison, Wisconsin, 53717
- Date: Friday, Apr 14, 2023 – Sunday, Apr 16, 2023
- Time: 6:00pm on Friday – 1:00pm on Sunday
- Cost: $75
Join high school youth from around Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to explore your interests in social justice. What do we have to say about social problems related to hunger, biases against people who are not part of a majority, the environment, and other concerns you have? How is our faith connected to it all? Develop concrete ways to use your voice for positive change with faith and hope, and build relationships with other youth interested in advocacy in Wisconsin and the U.P. Contact Patty Koplitz to register!
Midweek Lenten Services
Midweek services will be held on Wednesdays during March beginning at 6:30. Each week, we will explore the questions Jesus asked. Guest ministers will preach each week, and the format for worship will be Taize.
March 1—“Who do you say that I am?” Matthew 16:13-20 Pastor Jon Strasman
March 8—“What do you want from me?” Mark 10:35-40, 46-52 Pastor Amy Engebose
March 15—“Why are you so afraid?” Mark 4:35-41 Pastor Jon Strasman
March 22— “Do you want to be made well?” John 5:1-9 Pastor Niveen Sarras, PH.D
March 29—“Do you love me?” John 21:15-19 Pastor Dara Clifford
Ash Wednesday Services
Ash Wednesday is February 22. During Lent’s 40 days, you are invited to carry out the Lenten disciplines of prayer, fasting, works of love, and repentance. We have three options for you to receive your ashes and worship on Ash Wednesday:
–Ashes to Go from 7AM to 10AM in the carport of OSLC.
–Noon – Neenah ELCA Ash Wednesday worship at St. Paul’s in Neenah. Pastor Jon and our Music Director, Jim Miller, will participate in this worship.
–6PM Traditional Ash Wednesday worship at Our Savior’s
Groups/Clubs Starting Up Again
Since Covid has ended, some of our monthly or weekly groups are becoming active again at church. Here’s a brief list of what’s going on. Please feel free to just show up and join wherever you’d like! Call the office for more details.
Winter Walking Group is a new addition to our weekly OSLC schedule. Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10am-11am we will have the gym open for a warm & dry place to get your steps in! Use the office entrance on Lennox any time after 9, please bring a clean/dry pair of shoes!
Retirees and Friends meet on the first Monday of every month from 1-2:30, generally in the gym. Contact is Joan Terry. Come join us.
Mission Quilters would love your help tying quilts for Lutheran World Services! No special sewing skills are necessary. If you can tie a knot, you can tie a quilt! We meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of every month, from 1-4pm in the OSLC gym. This month we meet on February 2 and 16, 1-4pm. On February 2 we are having our Annual “Mad-Quilter’s Winter Tea Party.”
Pickleball Players will be playing through the winter Monday, Wednesday & Friday mornings starting at about 8:30am. They will be collecting offerings for Missions rather than paying for building use. Come join them!
Wednesday Bible Study is held every week from 10am to 11am. Please join us for a lectionary study on the lessons for the week. We meet in person and also have a virtual option (call the office for the link.)
Handbell Choir meets Wednesdays 5:30-7:00 in the music room. Ability to read music is helpful.
Chancel Choir meets Wednesdays 7:00-8:00 in the music room. High school age and older is welcome. Ardy Kreuter is the contact for our music groups.
Acolyte Sign Up
Acolyte Sign –up: Confirmation Students &/or Youth are welcome to sign up to acolyte. Please follow the link:
Photos Have Arrived
Photos have arrived! Andrea has the box of photos on the table outside the nursery for worship this weekend. Photos are grouped alphabetically by last name. There are a few families who have larger orders which will be set to the side. Please reach out to the office if you have any questions! If you are unable to pick up your photographs, let me know and I can arrange for them to be dropped off.
Retirees & Friends Potluck
Retirees and Friends Christmas Potluck will be held on Monday, December 5 at 1:00-2:30 pm. Bring a dish to pass (broasted chicken will be served) and a $5 gift card wrapped per person. Sign up is on the table by nursery or you can call the church office. Any questions please contact Joan Terry at 920-809-6923. Hope to see you there!