Family Video Ministry, March 12, 2022

Ash Wednesday marked the beginning of Lent.  As you may have read earlier in the Informer, ELCA World Hunger’s 40 Days of Giving also began.  We have “God’s Global Barnyard” boxes available to our youngest members as a fun and interactive way to discuss this with our children. 

Mini Resurrection Eggs will be available at church through Holy Week.  The eggs are a hands on way to teach and tell the Easter story. Click the link below to hear our big announcement, listen to the story “God’s Promise’s to Abram” and sing a song.

Rise Again Team Updates Mask Usage

Rise Again Team – Masks are now optional at Our Savior’s (but still recommended for unvaccinated).

The Rise Again Team met on 2/24 and recommended to revise our mask policy for the congregation and the Church Council approved the recommendation. 

“The Rise Again Team recommends a revision to the current policy, which makes mask wearing optional.  A sign that someone sees while entering the church might read.  ‘At this time, masking is optional at Our Savior’s.  We recommend that unvaccinated people wear a mask.‘  This guidance applies to all aspects of the church.

Areas of the current policy that will remain in place:

  • Physical Distancing configuration will still be maintained through the Sanctuary
  • Air Movement Strategy will be maintained through the Service
  • There will be no Food and Coffee service at this time
  • Reservation System will still be in place for Easter Services.

On March 31 the Team plans to meet again and review Covid nationally, regionally, locally, and at Our Savior’s.  The Team will once again make a recommendation to the council based on that discussion.

ELCA Ukraine Crisis Response

“And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body. And be thankful” (Colossians 3:15).


Since last week, the news of the Russian invasion of Ukraine has filled news reports and social media feeds. Heartbreaking images of people saying goodbye to loved ones and lining up at the borders to leave the country are occupying our screens. Prayers and calls for peace are coming from around the world as we watch this crisis unfold.

Civilians fleeing the violence are heading toward Ukraine’s western districts and such neighboring countries as Poland, Moldova, Slovakia, Romania and Hungary. Ukrainian men of military age (18-60) are required to stay in the country, so most of those fleeing the violence are women and children. According to one report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, more than 500,000 people are seeking refuge in neighboring countries including Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Moldova. There are major humanitarian concerns for both internally displaced people and refugees. Many of these Ukrainians fleeing their homes need shelter and such basic necessities as food, water and toiletries. Care for people also includes pastoral and psychological support to address the trauma they’ve endured.

Lutheran Disaster Response is accompanying our companion churches in Ukraine, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, as well as such ecumenical partners as the Lutheran World Federation and Church World Service, in their humanitarian responses to the crisis. These partners provide refugees with immediate support and supplies such as food, blankets, water and hygiene kits. Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton has joined other religious leaders from Europe and around the globe in issuing an interfaith call for peace in the region.

Your gifts will support Ukrainians and others. Gifts to ‘Eastern Europe Crisis Response’ will be used in full (100%) to assist those affected by the crisis in Ukraine and neighboring countries.


Our prayers abound for the loss and devastation experienced in Ukraine and Eastern Europe.

Family Ministry Video, January 30

We have a guest this week, Vernice Knudsen, who teaches us how to put on our Golden Gloves.

Do unto others as you – would that others do unto you.

God is love, love one another.

Thank you so very much, Vernice, for being our first Children’s Ministry guest of the year! Pastor Jon and Andrea have created a short video for you about the Call of Jeremiah. This is a great story to pair with our lesson from Vernice, to love God and love one another and let it be known…shout out God’s love! Check out our video here:

Cookie Sales & Shopping This Weekend

This weekend, December 18 and 19th, join us for our annual Christmas Carols worship service. After worship, plan to stop by the fundraisers held by the Guatemala Mission Trippers. They are holding a Christmas cookie sale ($5 per plate of delicious cookies), a Guatemalan shopping bag sale, and a metal yard art auction with metal sculptures created by Kevin Hillegas. You don’t want to miss the fun!

Christmas Worship Updates

Reservations are needed for all Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services as we are still practicing physical distancing in the sanctuary.  Masks are still required for worship until further guidance from the Rise Again Team. Please note that the only services with space available are the 1:00 and 10:00p.m. services. However, we will have overflow seating at all worship services. There will be limited chairs outside the sanctuary and one pew available.

The Children’s Christmas Program will be held at the 1:00 service on Christmas Eve. All children and guests are invited to participate. We need kids in third through 8th grade to be readers. A practice will be held this Sunday (the 19th) after church.