Pork BBQ Fundraiser

Our Pork BBQ dinner fundraiser will be held on Sunday, September 18. Dinners are pre-ordered starting Saturday August 20, during services and through the Church Office. Each $10 dinner will include a BBQ sandwich, coleslaw and BBQ beans. Pre-ordered dinners can be picked up in the drive thru at OSLC from 4-6 p.m., just in time for tailgating for the evening Packer-Bear game!

The proceeds will be split between our 2022-23 Mission Recipients

Volunteers for set up and serving will be needed from 3-7 p.m. Watch for further details

Sunday at a Timber Rattlers Game

Sunday at the Timber Rattlers Park  on Sunday, August 14th.  Tickets are $13, box seats behind the Rattlers dugout.  Game is at 1:10, we will be gathering for prayer prior, details to come!  *VBS participants and volunteers receive free admission.  Call the church office, reply to this email or stop by today to reserve your tickets!  Envelopes will be available in the gathering area during worship hours.  Tickets must be purchased/reserved by Sunday, July 31st. 

Vacation Bible School Links

This summer, Our Savior’s will be hosting Vacation Bible School for our members and for a few other Lutheran churches in Neenah. It will be held August 1-4 for children from 3 years old through 5th grade. Our theme this year is Adventure Island. Feel free to bring friends or visiting family along as well!

If you are interested in volunteering, please check out this link or contact the OSLC office for details and opportunities.


Register your children for Bible School by clicking this link-


Come join the adventure!

Volunteers Needed for Pillars and Community Table

Pillars Adult Shelter & Community Table are looking for volunteers to provide cookies (drop off at church) and to help serve meals on Thursday, 4/28 & Tuesday 4/26 respectively.  Please visit the sign-up genius link below to volunteer your time or provide cookies!  If you have any questions, please contact Pam or Carol (contact information on the link below).
