OSLC 150th Anniversary Celebration

150th Anniversary Celebration, save the date…Sunday, November 13th.  Brunch from Shellatte’s, door prizes, a guest speaker and a trivia challenge!

Calling for testimonials:  Testimonials can be done thru a temple talk, submitting a video or during our anniversary celebration.  Photos can be shared via email or dropped off at the church office; we can make copies &/or return originals afterwards.  There is no limit or box which your memories or items need to fit in.  If you have a special memory or something to share about or connected to Our Savior’s Lutheran, please reach out to Andrea in the church office. 

Sign Up for Photos for New Directory

Photos will be take Tuesday, October 25th thru Saturday, October 29th.  You can sign up directly with Harmann Studios using this link, or you can contact Andrea in the church office. 

Pets are welcome.  There is no charge to be photographed and all participants will get a free pictorial directory. Participants, however, will have the option to purchase prints, canvases, Christmas cards and more!

If you want to volunteer to help people check in for the photos, contact Andrea in the office and she’ll get you set up. Times are broken down into two hour slots.

Help Needed With Sunday School

We are looking for individuals to help with Sunday School; confirmation-aged students and up are welcome to teach, provide &/or distribute snacks.  We can use any level of commitment from every weekend to once a month or just helping on occasion!  Please contact the office to let us know how you can help.

Welcome New Members

Welcome New Members with a potluck!  Our Savior’s Lutheran will be accepting new members during worship Saturday, October 15th & Sunday, October 16th.  We will be hosting a potluck to welcome our new members Saturday, October 15th at 6:00pm (following 5pm worship).  Contact the office if you or someone you know is interested in joining ~or~ if you are a current member and would like to attend to help with set-up, serving or clean up or introduce yourself to our new members.

BBQ Pork Dinner Deadline

Tickets for the Smoked Pork BBQ dinner sale to benefit OSLC Missions are on sale during services and during office hours. The deadline is September 10. Our grill master will need to place the meat order at that time. There will be a limited number of walk-in dinners available. If you would like to sign up to be on the assembly line in the Drive Thru, please sign up at the table where tickets are being sold. You may also call the church office to sign up. 

Our Mission recipients are the Bletzinger House, Feeding America, Ukraine Crisis and Guatemala Missions.

Sunday School Begins

Please join us on September 11, 2022 for our God’s Work Our Hands Day, as well as Rally Day. You will be able to register your children for Sunday School, as well as volunteer for other church activities this fall. Sunday School begins on September 18. If you can’t make it to church to register on September 11, please call the church or just come on the 18th. Call Patty at church for more info. It’s going to be a great year!