Stewardship Brochure & Congregational Meeting Info

Below, please find our latest Stewardship Brochure that includes details on the upcoming Congregational Meeting as well as the 2021  budget information.  

On November 8th @10:30 AM, please join us on Zoom for our annual Fall Meeting.   We will be presenting our 2021 budget and casting a vision for the future of Our Savior’s.  An email will be going out this next week with details and a link for the Zoom meeting.

If you are technologically challenged, we are offering a socially distanced watch party at the church on one of our big screens.  Join us on November 8 at 10:30 for this.

Take note that the last two pages of this brochure contain our Pledge Cards and also our Volunteer Sign-Up sheets. Please print these out, fill them out, and return them to church/email them to church by November 6.

Join us for Drive In Worship every week

From now on, for the foreseeable future, we will be holding drive-in worship each week on Saturdays at 5PM and Sundays at 9AM. Come and tune into your radio to hear worship from your cars.  Wear a mask if you open your windows to protect those near you. Flip your wipers to say Amen!  Honk your horns to share the peace! Communion will also be offered in a safe way with individual cups that include wafers.  No need to RSVP – just come join us! Hope to see you there.

‘God’s Work. Our Hands.’ is September 13

God’s Work. Our Hands. day will look a bit different this year. While we can’t congregate together as in years past, the spirit of giving and helping is alive and well at Our Savior’s. On Sunday, September 13, we encourage you all to perform acts of service starting in your own homes and neighborhoods. Whether it be making uplifting chalk drawings, making a meal or baked goods for your neighbor, sending a card, or donating/contributing to an organization, you can still make a difference.