Life Events


Church Membership IconIf you, or someone you know, is interested in becoming a member of Our Savior’s, please plan to attend a one-time Welcome Session. These sessions are generally held approximately three times each year. Specific dates are announced in the church bulletins and in the monthly newsletter, ‘The Informer’.
This informational gathering is intended to be fun and informative. You are invited even if you have not made up your mind about joining yet. Upon completion of the Welcome Session and the return of the New Membership Information Form, please notify the church office so that we may prepare to receive you into the church.


BaptismIs there a baptism in your future?
If you know your family will be having a baptism soon because of an anticipated or recent birth, or if you are a person of any age and have not yet been baptized, you are invited to a one-session baptismal preparation class. The meaning of Baptism, sponsors and the order of the baptismal service will be some of the items discussed. The pastor encourages you to be a part of this important preparation, even if you have had other children baptized. Contact the church office to register or if you have questions.


WeddingsIf you are recently engaged or planning a wedding, please contact the church office for a pre-marriage packet and information about setting up pre-marriage sessions with one of the pastors. We use the nationally acclaimed ‘Prepare/Enrich Marriage Inventory’ packet as part of our session.
Weddings need to be planned at least four months prior to fulfill the pre-wedding requirements.


Planning a funeral for a loved one can be a difficult time. The pastoral staff at Our Savior’s wants to help. If desired, a visitation can be handled at our church, along with a funeral worship service and a lunch following the service.

Please contact the church office at 725-3956 for more information or to set up an appointment.