We believe that God has equipped each of us with unique gifts and purpose to live out our faith every day in the way we love and serve others.
Life is busy and we know it’s hard to commit to weekly/monthly meetings and long term roles. With that in mind, we are re-thinking the way we do ministry. Our ministry teams are groups of individuals who are passionate about specific areas. Each team determines the needs of the ministry and how often to come together – whether in person or via email, text, online. We don’t want people to ‘meet just to meet’. Quite the contrary, we want people to join together to make our ministries vibrant, relevant and impactful.
The Ministry Teams
Building & Grounds – Oversee building needs, manage upcoming projects and repairs, define and prioritize future needs to keep our facility running smoothly.
Care & Connect – Grace, mercy and love are at the heart of our life together. This team will organize activities to connect people with similar interests, passions and place in life as well as ways for us to care for one another – funeral meal serving, welcoming get-togethers, Lenten soup suppers, coffee hour or maybe by providing meals to members during life’s ups & downs, etc. Click here for more info.
ElderCare – Doing what we can to help our aging members stay active in and feel connected to our church family is vital. Planning enjoyable outings, remembering the homebound, taking Holy Communion and the Word of God to those who are recovering from illness, are shut-ins, or are residents in area nursing homes are just some of the ways we do this.
T.E.C. (Technology, Evangelism, Communication) –Share what OSLC has to offer with our members, visitors and community through various media types; spread the Good News of Jesus Christ in new, creative, relevant ways.
Finance/Stewardship –Lifting up giving and generosity throughout the year; yearly budgeting, overseeing the church’s finances and being good stewards with the financial gifts we receive is the focus of this team.
Learn & Grow – Our faith doesn’t just happen overnight; it’s a lifelong journey from birth until death. The Learn & Grow team will provide materials, resources and opportunities to nurture and grow in our faith.
Personnel –Their role is to review the OSLC Employee Handbook and compensation packages for all employees; handle any employment issues or concerns.
Safety & Security –This team is looking at ways to keep our members safe during worship and church events through building security, volunteer background checks, our child-safe policy and training.
Serve & Reach – Feeding the hungry, helping those in need, sharing our time in the community and sending groups to get dirty doing good (mission trips) are at the center of this team’s ministry. If you’re passionate about getting out into this hurting world to make a difference, click here.
Worship & Music –Help plan Spirit-filled worship services using meaningful liturgy, prayers, readings and music.
Worship Volunteers: It takes a team to make a worship service happen – from the tech booth to readers, to ushers, to greeters, and let’s not forget communion and altar guild. There are plenty of areas to get involved.
Youth – Get a little crazy and have a lot of fun all while sharing God’s grace with our middle & high schoolers. Help plan monthly youth events, outings, movie nights, and lock-in.
So, what inspires you or gives you a sense of purpose… what can you offer? Our Savior’s has many opportunities for you to volunteer and let your gifts shine! You don’t have to be a member to become a part of our ministries. Everyone is welcome. Let’s do this together – welcome to the team!
Make your light shine, so that others will see the good that you do and will praise your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16 (CEV)