
Adult Education Opportunities

Adult Education is held on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. in the library. It’s great for anyone who wants to grow in their faith, raise questions and get to know other members of the congregation.  Each week is intended to be independent from the others, so come when you can and join right in.

Adult Small Group

Bible Studies


Wednesday mornings at 10:00 a.m.
Each week we study the texts for the coming Sunday.

Sunday morning Adult Education at 10:00 a.m.
Each week we discuss topics relating to our ministries, news events and our community.


Nothing currently held bi-monthly


Esther and Rebekah Circles
Each meets monthly at church.  Dates and times vary.

Small Groups

We currently have a few small groups alive and well at Our Savior’s. They meet in homes or at church and enjoy fellowship, caring, sharing and sometimes food. Small groups have the option to choose from endless amounts of study topics, ranging from bible studies and personal growth to relationships and parenting. A group can be as small as two people or as many as twelve. An open chair is waiting for you!

WELCA (Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church)

The WELCA committee strives to bring together women for fellowship and feeding of the Word. We belong to the Appleton Conference and Church Women United of the Fox Cities. We donate funds to various organizations and have active circle Bible studies. We also sponsor some events at OSLC including the women’s retreat in the fall and sending ‘Thinking of You’ cards to our homebound.